Sunday, December 13, 2015

I Have Begrudged The Years by Angela Manalang - Gloria

Perhaps the years will get me after all,
Though I have sought to cheat them of their due
By documenting in beauty's name my soul
And locking out of sight my revenue
Of golden rapture and of sterling tears,
Let others give to Caesar Caesar's own:

I have begrudged the dictatorial years
The right usurious to tax me to the bone,
Therefore behold me now, a Timon bent
On hoarding each coin of love that should be spent
On you and you, and hushing all display
Of passionate splendour lest I betray
My wealth, lest the sharp years in tithes retrieve
Even the heart not worn upon my sleeve.

To A Lost One by Angela Manalang-Gloria

I shall haunt you O my lost one, as the twilight

Haunts a re-entangled trail,

And your dreams will linger strangely with the music

Of a phantom lover's tale,

You shall not forget, for I am past forgetting,

I shall come to you again

With the starlight and the scent of wild champacas,

And the melody of rain.

You shall not forget. Dust will peer into your

Window, tragic-eyed and still,

And unbidden, startle you into remembrance

With its hand upon the still.